Mak Okay-Ikenegbu

Mak leads TPI Capital with over 15 years of experience working with UK and overseas businesses investing in capital projects. He is a chartered building engineer, construction manager and surveyor delivering specialist advice on built-environment, property acquisition and innovation projects. Mak has extensive experience in design, construction supervision, and project management as well as in […]

Ramsey Neseyif

Ramsey is consulting lead with over 25 years experience in infrastructure development in the UK and overseas. He is a Chartered Civil Engineer and has worked with a variety of public and private clients to provide cost effective solutions whilst understanding the bigger picture. He has a holistic approach combined with an understanding of commercial […]

Neha Gupta

Neha is commercial operations lead and has a wealth of experience and expertise in strategic marketing, sales leadership, and client relationship management. With a proven track record in driving revenue growth, Neha is passionate about enhancing and driving business growth, through data analysis and digital marketing. She has a deep understanding  and experience in delivering […]

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